The Pillow Store

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StoreThe Pillow Store

The Pillow Factory

Today I’m starting a new Saturday series called “Practically Speaking”. Each week I’ll be sharing practical and smart ways to make loving the homes we have easier!

The Pillow Cover Store

The pillow store dallas tx

How to keep our homes neater, cleaner, more organized, prettier, healthier, tastier, happier, and more!!! This series is born out of my need for taking a more practical, common sense approach to homemaking. Today, we begin this series with HOW TO STORE PILLOWS. Let’s organize and find an easy to use place to store all of our pillows! So am I You probably would not guess that there are dozens of pillows stored in this room! More specifically, they are in here Let’s take a peek I keep all my pillows covers in two drawers in the Curlacue chest in my living room. Buying pillow covers and inserts is much easier, better, and more practical than buying a pillow that cannot be removed from their covers.