X Plane For Windows 10
Download for Windows Get flying in under an hour! Don't want the free Quick Start Guide?
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You can still. We need your email address to send you your free guide to setting up the demo. We want to make sure your installation is as quick and easy as possible, so you can get flying fast.
Note that the version of the X-Plane 10 flight simulator we sell here at X-Plane.com will run on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. If you’re interested, you can get more info on using X-Plane with a Mac.
X Plane 11 Windows 10 Free Download
If you’d like, we will also send you a free month-long course on getting the most out of X-Plane, jam-packed with guides to the coolest parts of the sim. We promise to never spam you, and we will never sell or share your email address. And, if you sign up for the course and change your mind, you can unsubscribe at any time. Once again, the demo, Quick Start Guide, and email course are all completely free.
Note that if you already have the X-Plane 10 demo installed, this installer will update that demo instead.