Tv Streaming Services
Best Live TV Streaming Service: Hulu vs. Cam Secore Updated. After a year of testing, I determined YouTube TV is the best live TV streaming service because of its excellent stream quality and brilliant phone to casting experience.
Playstation Vue puts both of these to shame. Way better video quality and 60fps with a nearly unlimited 'DVR' Disagree w/ video quality. Had PS Vue for a while, subscribed to DTV Now on a trial basis recently, and sporting events look and sound noticeably worst w/ the former. Also PS Vue endlessly frustrates me with random three second 'jump-back' or repeats when viewing live events. DTV Now just has too many bugs and errors for me to ever get comfortable using it.
Ultimately decided to pair YouTube TV with Philo and have been happy since. PSVue still offers the most channels. Gui is solid, but like ALL these services, even when you pay for all the options you still CAN’T skip all commercials in recorded (DVR) content and that is unacceptable.

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PSVue and YouTube TV are the least offensive with regard to this issue but it is still an issue. Especially since you pay extra for this option with ither services and STILL the commercials. TiVo may be an aged system of television but at least you can still quickly skip past ALL commericals. I have had DirectTV Now since the launch, in fact the deal was pretty much unbeatable. I paid 3 months in advance (~$120) and got a free AppleTV.