Mount And Blade Clash Of Kings Mod
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As of v2.2, in addition to the normal vassal quests there are several unique quests with notable rewards. Most quests are first activated by an NPC, which then spawns the actual quest-giver NPC - hence the "Activate NPC" and "Quest NPC" columns below.

A Clash Of Kings Mod Mount And Blade
A Clash of Kings is a mod for set in the A Song of Ice and Fire universe. In October 2013, Robbaz began a new series on his channel, playing this mod. In this game, Robbaz played as the leader of House Corgi, an upstart house in Westeros. Their main territories are Three Sisters, which was conquered by Robbaz to establish foothold for his military power. His main goal is to eliminate House Lannister and establish Westeros under his rule. Plot A Clash of King is set in A Song of Ice and Fire universe during the after the death of Robert Baratheon and conflict between claimants. Robbaz's House of Corgi was a minor house who recently conquered Three Sisters during the first episode.
Mount And Blade Warband Clash Of Kings Modu
Later, Robert managed to contend with Lannisters over King's Landing, which is major political stronghold for King Joffrey Baratheon. Despite his initial plan to ally with the Starks, they declared war on Robbaz after his conquest of Antlers for staging ground against King's Landing. Robbaz then defeated Starks and captured Robb Stark until his escape with Roose Bolton.